7 Ways To Regulate Screen Time This Summer

7 Ways To Regulate Screen Time This Summer

I will be the first to admit that I LOVE my electronic devices, specifically my cell phone. I use it every single day for work AND for fun. It does so much for me, just like a BFF . . . wait, okay maybe not that much, but seriously doesn’t our society just adore our electronic screens? Maybe we love them too much. We’ve got cell phones, video games, TV shows, movies, social media, apps, computers, and so much more. And we bury our faces in them daily–hourly even. If we are not careful electronic screen time will take over our lives, and our kids will remember their summers as a screen reflecting on their face . . . instead of how we remember it with makeshift lemonade stands, helmet-less bicycle rides with friends, and late-night games of Kick The Can. But I’m not saying we should dump them altogether. I believe the internet and electronic devices have a place in our modern society. But I do believe we need to think more about how we use them. We need to train ourselves and our kids how to use them carefully and wisely. So I bring you these 7 ways to stop electronic devices from taking over your life! These tips will give you the parenting power you need to regulate screen time with your kids this summer.

I know you already know you should limit screen time. We’ve been hearing it for awhile now. The American Academy of Pediatrics says kids between 2 and 5 years old should only have one hour or less of screen time a day. (Yikes, are we doing that?!?) For kids older than 6, media should not take the place of sleep or physical activity. And what about teens? How do we help teens use their devices wisely? Here’s some ideas to start:



7 Ways to Decrease Screen Time this Summer










7 Ways to Decrease Screen Time this Summer





7 ways to decrease screen time with your kids




Source: Making Life Blissful

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