About Providence Place
Providence Place is locally-owned and is operated right here in Grimes, IA. Since our company opened in 2011, we have helped everyone with respect and best practices. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services are the best, and come with a personal touch.
Dena Owens, M.S., LMHC, LPHA
Dena is an independently licensed mental health counselor with experience in residential, private and public agencies as a therapist and clinical management. She also has extensive training in trauma-related conditions and those with dual diagnosis/multi-occurring conditions, children and adults alike. Some of the models used are the Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Seeking Safety, Wellness Recovery Action Plan, Systems Training for Emotional Predictability & Problem Solving (STEPPS) & STAIRWAYS aftercare group and Managing Emotional Intensity for Younger People. Dena has presented in the school, conference and group environments and is available to speak on request.